Top 8 Best MTL Vape Kits 2023

If you’re a mouth-to-lung (MTL) vaper, you know how important it is to have the right kit to get the perfect vaping experience. With so many options out there, it can be difficult to know which one to choose. That’s why we’ve done the research for you and compiled a list of the top 8 best MTL kits for 2023. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced vaper, there’s something on this list for everyone. So without further ado, let’s dive into our top picks.

Innokin Coolfire Z60

Innokin Coolfire Z60 Review

One of the best MTL vape kits for 2023 is the Innokin Coolfire Z60. This kit is a fantastic addition to the Coolfire range and offers a wattage range of 6 to 60 watts, allowing for full MTL, RDL, and DTL capabilities with coils that are compatible with any type of e-liquid. The tank of the Coolfire Z60 has a sliding top fill that is super responsive and sturdy, making it easy to refill your tank. This device also has a 2500 milliamp battery, providing you with several days of use before needing to recharge. Additionally, the kit features coil preserve and user modes, including Refresh mode and Coil Plus mode, which are designed to knock residual e-juice out of your coil and keep the wicking materials fresh. With its impressive features and powerful battery life, the Innokin Coolfire Z60 is an excellent choice for MTL vapers looking for a high-quality and long-lasting kit.

Freemax Galex Nano

Freemax Galex Nano Review

Freemax Galex Nano, a must-have MTL vape kit for flavor fanatics. Building on the success of the original Galax, the Nano boasts a host of improvements that enhance both its build and pull satisfaction. Despite its small and compact size, the Freemax Galax Nano offers an all-day MTL vaping experience with an 800mAh battery and a wattage range of 11 to 22. Unlike some kits, the power settings are not automatically assigned but can be adjusted using the button on the side of the device. Additionally, the device features a stunning color system that can be customized to your liking or turned off entirely. The Galax Nano comes equipped with three Max coils that utilize military-grade SS 904L stainless steel meshes and tea tree fiber wicking materials, ensuring maximum flavor absorption and a consistently rich vaping experience. The device’s solid construction and colorful aesthetics make it a conversation piece and a fantastic addition to any vaper’s collection.

Uwell Caliburn Tenet

Uwell Caliburn Tenet review

Uwell Caliburn Tenet, the newest addition to the popular Caliburn series, which we believe will be a hit with Nick salt enthusiasts and those who appreciate a touch of science fiction sophistication. Unlike its predecessors, the Caliburn Tenet boasts a stunning semi-military design with a hint of diesel punk Mad Max aesthetics that not only looks great but also provides one of the best grips you’ll find on any vape kit. The kit is perfect for MTL users as it utilizes Caliburn G coils with meshed interiors that quickly absorb e-liquid, preventing cotton wear and tear. The pod also features airflow control, although it may be a bit fragile and restrictive for RDL use. As a top MTL vape kit, the Caliburn Tenet is a must-try for anyone who prefers a grippable aesthetic and enjoys salt-based vaping.

Voopoo Argus Z

Voopoo Argus Z

The Voopoo Argus Z is ideal for people transitioning from smoking. The Voopoo Argus Z is a more affordable version of the original Voopoo Argus pod kit, with some features removed to make it more accessible. Despite being lightweight, it has a powerful 900mAh battery that can easily last a full day without needing to be charged. The kit has a simple one-button operation, eliminating the need to navigate menus, and automatically adjusts wattage for you. The power indicator LEDs are the only lights that illuminate. The kit uses Voopoo Argus pods in both 1.2 and 0.7 variants, providing moderate and slightly more powerful pulls, respectively. The U-shaped air inlet reduces leaks and delivers rich flavor with an excellent airflow, which compensates for the kit’s lack of adjustable airflow. However, the kit does have a drawback, as it takes about 90 minutes to charge fully, but with a 900mAh battery, you shouldn’t need to charge it halfway through the day if it’s fully charged in the morning.

Aspire GoTeK X

Aspire GoTeK X

The Aspire GoTeK X is an excellent option for anyone on a budget. You may recall this kit from a recent video, and I was over the moon with it. The completely transparent plastic design allows you to see every part of the device, yet it has a solid build with no creaks or flimsiness. While it may not survive a fall down a set of concrete stairs, it feels sturdy in the grip. The 650 milliamp battery is not the largest, but it is generally enough to replicate any of your smoke breaks throughout the day, and it charges quickly. The airflow control is on the base, providing a nice bottom-based airflow system. The pods come with pre-installed 0.8 coils, and you can also acquire pre-filled pods for the GoTeK X, providing a supremely convenient experience. While it may not be the most sophisticated kit out there, the complete plastic design has kept manufacturing costs down, making it one of the most affordable MTL vape kits available today. It can easily compete with any number of MTL vape kits out there. Now, on to number four, which is the halfway point on our list.

Geekvape Wenax U

Geekvape Wenax U Review

The Geekvape Wenax U proves that good things can indeed come in small packages. This kit is built with portability in mind, yet it manages to pack a 1,000 milliamp battery into a tiny, matchbox-sized build. With that much power, this kit will easily last you a full day, if not more. It’s impressive what they’ve achieved with such a small device, especially when you compare it to larger devices with only 650 milliamps. Additionally, the Wenax U features three wattage output levels, with a maximum of 20 watts that you can cycle through by tapping the button on the side. It also has adjustable airflow on a little slider, although it’s a bit restrictive and not suitable for full RDL functionality. Nonetheless, considering the usability and longevity that this kit provides in such a tiny package, it’s an excellent option for anyone looking for a portable MTL vape kit. The Geekvape Wenax U is probably the most portable MTL vape kit available, making it an ideal daily vape kit.


OXVA Xlim SQ Review

The OXVA Xlim SQ is an MTL vape kit that’s perfect for beginners who want a simple, hassle-free experience. The OXVA Xlim SQ is designed to make vaping easy with automatic coil detection and a maximum output of 25 watts. The kit features a surprisingly open airflow control system that lets you choose between a tight puff or a thick, billowy cloud. You may recall this kit from our review of ivg’s new bar favorites range, and it’s quickly become one of our favorites due to its simplicity and convenience. The OXVA Xlim SQ even comes with a lanyard chain for those who want to wear it as an accessory.

Innokin Endura Apex

Innokin Endura Apex

The Innokin Endura Apex is a classic MTL Vape kit that will surely satisfy heavy smokers. It boasts an old-school design with a powerful 1800 milliamp battery inside that can last for days, especially since the maximum power output is only 18.5 watts. But you can also switch it down to 14.5 watts for a more moderate vaping experience. The device has no screens or annoying button tap systems to cycle through – just twist the base to adjust the wattage, making it incredibly simple and convenient. The new Apex tank offers excellent airflow control and is compatible with the full prism s t20s coil system, including two new meshed coil variants. The Innokin Endura Apex is a reliable classic that won’t disappoint you during those long chain vaping sessions.


The MTL vaping market has come a long way, and 2023 has brought us some of the best kits we’ve seen yet. From the Innokin Endura Apex to the Voopoo Drag X Plus, there’s something on this list for every type of vaper. We hope that our top 8 best MTL kits for 2023 has helped you in your search for the perfect kit. Remember, choosing the right MTL kit can make all the difference in your vaping experience, so take your time and choose wisely.

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