Innokin Coolfire Z60 Starter Kit Review

If you are looking for a starter kit that can provide both mouth-to-lung and direct-to-lung vaping options, the Innokin Coolfire Z60 Starter Kit might be worth considering. This compact and user-friendly kit is designed for those who want to upgrade from pod kits or disposable e-cigarettes. But does it live up to the hype? In this review, we will take a closer look at the Innokin Coolfire Z60 Starter Kit and provide you with our honest opinions.


Today we are looking at the Innokin Coolfire Z60, which comes with the Z60 Slide Top Tank, a 0.3 ohm coil and a 0.6 ohm coil. 0.6ohm coil is preinstalled. It’s got kind of like a mouth-to-lung drip tip and a restricted/direct lung drip tip, O-rings, USB charger, and a quick start guide. 2500mah internal battery, a 6 to 60 watt range, USB Type-C charging at 1.7 amps, 0.960 LED screen. It’s got a little switch on the bottom, and it is available in stainless steel, black, gunmetal, blue, purple, pink, and red. We’ve got that 0.6 ohm core, which is rated between 9 and 13 watts. You’ve also got adjustable airflow on this. It’s got like a slant on it, which I do like. It looks quite different. It’s a very slight slump, but it is what it is at the end of the day.


I’ve got it at 12 watts, a massive 12 watts, with the airflow around about a quarter open with a mouth-to-lung drip tip on top with Dimple Berry by Zeus Juice. It isn’t what I would call a mouth-to-lung vape by any means at that low. So I’ve cranked it even lower, like absolutely blooming tiny. That’s nice. It’s a nice cool vape. It seems a little bit too cool. It seems a little bit too underpowered. They say 9 to 13 watts on this. I don’t know if they’ve got it too low. Crank up to 16. 16 watts is a hell of a lot better. The Dimple Berry liquid is tasting absolutely fantastic.

As to the 0.3 ohm coil, which is right between 30 and 40 Watts. Set it at 34W, which I think is the sweet spot in terms of power. Go fully open, flavor is fantastic, really producing some lovely flavor and some lovely clouds at 34 Watts. You can tailor it to your own tightness by scrolling the airflow down or up, depending on where you are on the airflow scale. Obviously, you can also change that anywhere that you want in the wattage range between 30 and 40 Watts. Me personally, I’m not too fond of the on/off switch at the bottom there, but other people may like it. And apart from that, maybe the 0.6 ohm coil just seems to be a little bit too underpowered. It needs more power. So I did crank up a few watts extra, it just seems like it’s a little too underpowered for what it is. I much prefer the 0.3 ohm coil, much towards my likeliness of vaping. 

The Innokin Coolfire Z60 is great for starters. It’s got an internal battery, USB type-C charging. It’s got mouth to lung and a direct to lung coil, so you can like progress if you wish to progress or try out different styles of vaping now to see what one suits you best. Very easy to use and navigate through the menus on there and stuff. You haven’t got massive confusing things on there. Feels nice in the hand, it’s got a nice weight to it. The tank works blooming well. You’ve got that mouth to lung kind of fluid grip tip and the direct to lung drip tip as well. Overall, It’s a cracking device, probably from some for someone that’s looking to come off of pod kits or disposables and go on something a little bit more advanced. Absolutely blooming perfect. If you’re looking out for Christmas gifts or shopping around for Christmas presents, the Innokin Coolfire Z60 would be a nice little thing to get someone off of the cigarettes or off of the bloody Pockets or epoxy disposables. Absolutely blooming lovely. 2500 milliamp hour internal battery should last you easily a day, but it does depend on how much you do vape and what you’re vaping at. And as well as that, with the coils, the coil life will depend on what e-liquid you’re using, how much you vape, and what wattage you are vaping at. But regardless, this is a lovely little bit of kit from the lovely people. I’d recommend this to people that are looking to come off of pockets and disposables going forward.

Pros & Cons


  • Great for starters
  • Internal battery with USB type-c charging
  • Comes with both mouth to lung and direct to lung coils
  • Easy to use and navigate through menus
  • Feels nice in the hand with a good weight
  • Tank works well
  • Good for someone looking to switch from pod kits or disposables
  • 2500mAh battery can last easily for a day
  • Recommended for people looking to come off of pockets and disposables


  • On/off switch at the bottom may not be to everyone’s liking
  • 0.6 ohm coil may be underpowered and need more power
  • Coil life depends on E-liquid, wattage, and usage
  • May be late for Christmas shopping


The Innokin Coolfire Z60 Starter Kit is a great option for those looking to move beyond disposable e-cigarettes or pod kits. It offers a range of vaping options, including mouth-to-lung and direct-to-lung, and its compact and user-friendly design makes it easy to use and carry. The battery life is decent, and the coil life depends on factors such as the e-liquid used and vaping habits. While the on/off switch might not be to everyone’s liking, the pros of this starter kit definitely outweigh the cons. We would recommend the Innokin Coolfire Z60 Starter Kit to anyone looking for a reliable and versatile vaping experience.

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