How To Blow Big Clouds

Today, we have an exciting topic to discuss: blowing massive clouds of vapor. If you’ve ever marveled at those impressive plumes of vapor on the street and wondered how to achieve the same, you’re in the right place. Join us as we dive into the secrets of creating awe-inspiring vapor clouds.

The Right Setup

To blow big clouds, having the right setup is crucial. Our host prefers a 4s PWM lipo mod, which delivers a hefty 15.7 volts of power. However, it’s important to note that extreme wattages aren’t necessary for cloud-chasing. You can achieve excellent results with various devices. Experimentation is key to finding what works best for you.

Airflow Matters

One of the critical factors in producing massive clouds is airflow. Ensuring that your device allows ample airflow is essential. Adjust the airflow settings to find a balance that suits your preferences. The key is to have enough air passing through the coil to maximize vapor production.

The Importance of Coils

A good coil setup is crucial for blowing big clouds. Opt for a coil with a larger surface area to increase vapor production. Experiment with different coil types, such as Claptons or fused Claptons, to find the perfect fit for your vaping style.

Finding Your Sweet Spot

Every vaper has their own preferences when it comes to the tightness of the draw. Some like it airy, while others prefer a tighter draw. Experiment with different airflow settings until you find the sweet spot that allows you to take big, satisfying hits and unleash colossal vapor clouds.

Technique Matters

Once you have your setup optimized, it’s time to focus on your vaping technique. Take a slow, steady draw, allowing the vapor to accumulate in your mouth. When you can no longer hold the vapor comfortably, release it by exhaling forcefully. Remember to pace yourself and not overdo it, as blowing big clouds requires practice and control.

Safety First

While chasing clouds can be exhilarating, it’s crucial to prioritize safety. Always use high-quality batteries and follow proper battery safety guidelines. Keep your device clean, check for any damage, and ensure you’re using reputable products.


Blowing big clouds is an art form that combines the right setup, airflow, coils, and technique. Experiment with different configurations, and most importantly, have fun while exploring the vast world of vaping. Remember to respect those around you and be mindful of vaping etiquette. Now, armed with these tips, go forth and unleash your inner cloud-chaser. Happy vaping!

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