How To Get Rid Of Dry Mouth From Vaping

Do you usually experience dry mouth while vaping and suspect that you have bought fake e-liquid? I can tell you that it’s not fake e-liquid that causes you dry mouth, but one of the main components of e-liquid, which is VG. VG is the abbreviation form of Vegetable Glycerin. Its main function in e-liquid is to provide vapor, usually the VG content of big-vapor e-liquid is above 70%. VG is a strong water-absorbent substance, it will absorb the water in our mouth. If our oral saliva secretion ability is strong, we won’t feel dry mouth. People with average secretion ability will feel dry mouth and want to drink water. The solution is also very simple, just drink plenty of water, anyway, drinking plenty of water is good for the body.

Is there any e-liquid that won’t make you feel dry mouth?

Some profiteers might say that our glycerin is the best, so you won’t have a dry mouth after you vape. It is quite wrong. All glycerin absorbs water and causes dry mouth. This is determined by its nature, just like all intoxicating alcohol. If you vape a certain kind of e-liquid and you don’t have a dry mouth, then you have to be careful. They may have used a special chemical material to mix the melting aid materials instead of using safe glycerin.

How to get rid of dry mouth while vaping?

If you feel that your mouth is dry during vaping, drink more water. If you vape less than 3ml of e-liquid a day, usually your throat will not hurt. There is an proper amount for everything. If you use bad quality e-liquid, you will experience feeling of discomfort, sore throat, or coughing. So when you vape, make sure to take the right amount and avoid greedy vaping.

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