How To Make CBD Brownies

Brownies are a beloved dessert that brings joy to many people. But have you ever considered adding a special ingredient to take your brownies to the next level? In this blog post, we’ll explore how to make CBD brownies using a few simple steps and ingredients. These delightful treats not only satisfy your sweet tooth but also offer the potential benefits of CBD. So, let’s dive into the recipe and learn how to create these delectable CBD-infused brownies!

Preparing the CBD

To make CBD brownies, you’ll need to prepare the CBD beforehand. The CBD can come in the form of normal weed or CBD specifically extracted for its therapeutic properties. Start by grinding up your CBD. You can use a herbal vaporizer, such as a tax-free fine vape, to enjoy the best effects. After vaporizing the CBD, you’ll be left with some residue, which can be eaten as is. Although the taste might not be the best, it’s still usable and can be incorporated into the brownie recipe.

Ingredients for CBD Brownies

  • 185 grams of unsalted butter
  • 185 grams of dark chocolate or milk chocolate
  • 85 grams of plain flour
  • 40 grams of cocoa powder
  • 3 large eggs
  • 275 grams of caster sugar
  • CBD residue from the herbal vaporizer (optional)


Step 1: Melt the Chocolate and Butter

In a microwave-safe bowl, melt 185 grams of chocolate. Heat it in the microwave for about a minute, pausing every 10 seconds to check its progress. Be careful not to burn the chocolate. In another bowl, weigh out 185 grams of unsalted butter.

Step 2: Mix the Melted Chocolate and Butter

Preheat the oven to 180 degrees Celsius (160 degrees Celsius for a fan oven). Combine the melted chocolate and butter, and let it cool to room temperature.

Step 3: Prepare the Dry Ingredients

In a separate bowl, sift together 85 grams of plain flour and 40 grams of cocoa powder. Remove any lumps to ensure a smooth batter.

Step 4: Whisk the Eggs and Sugar

In a mixing bowl, beat 3 large eggs together with 275 grams of caster sugar using a whisk. Whisk for approximately 6 to 8 minutes or until the mixture becomes pale in color.

Step 5: Combine the Ingredients

Gradually fold the melted chocolate and butter mixture into the whisked eggs and sugar. Stir gently to retain as much air as possible.

Step 6: Add Optional CBD Residue

At this point, you have the option to mix in the CBD residue from the herbal vaporizer. Incorporate it into the batter for an extra CBD boost.

Step 7: Incorporate the Dry Ingredients

Slowly add the sifted flour and cocoa powder to the mixture. Stir gently until all the ingredients are well combined. For added texture, you can also mix in small pieces of chocolate.

Step 8: Pour the Batter

Line a square or rectangular baking pan with parchment paper to prevent sticking. Pour the batter into the prepared pan, ensuring it spreads evenly.

Step 9: Bake the Brownies

Place the pan in the preheated oven and bake for approximately 25 minutes. To check if the brownies are done, gently shake the pan. If the center wobbles, bake for a few more minutes until it sets.

Step 10: Cool and Add the Finishing Touches

Once the brownies are cooked, remove them from the oven and let them cool for about an hour. Meanwhile, melt some chocolate to create a thin layer on top of the brownies. Sprinkle the remaining CBD residue (if desired) on top of the melted chocolate layer. This will not only add a hint of CBD but also create a visually appealing finish to your brownies.

Step 11: Let the Brownies Set

Allow the brownies to cool completely and let the melted chocolate and CBD residue topping firm up. This may take another hour or so, depending on the room temperature.

Step 12: Serve and Enjoy

Once the brownies have cooled and set, carefully remove them from the baking pan. Cut them into squares or rectangles of your desired size. These CBD brownies are now ready to be enjoyed!

Benefits of CBD Brownies

CBD, short for cannabidiol, is a compound derived from the hemp plant known for its potential therapeutic effects. Incorporating CBD into your brownies can offer a unique way to experience the benefits it may provide. Some individuals find CBD helpful for managing pain, reducing anxiety, promoting relaxation, and improving sleep quality. By combining CBD with the indulgent goodness of brownies, you can create a treat that not only satisfies your taste buds but also potentially contributes to your overall well-being.

Other CBD Consumption Methods

While CBD brownies are a delightful option, there are various other ways to consume CBD. Some popular methods include:

CBD Oils: These are often taken sublingually (under the tongue) for quick absorption into the bloodstream. They come in different strengths and flavors to suit individual preferences.

CBD Edibles: In addition to brownies, you can infuse CBD into other homemade treats like cookies, cupcakes, waffles, or even create your own CBD-infused chocolate bars. The possibilities are endless!

CBD Tinctures and Sprays: These are liquid forms of CBD that can be easily measured and added to food or beverages of your choice.

CBD Drinks: CBD-infused beverages like teas, coffees, and flavored waters have gained popularity for their convenience and refreshing taste.

Remember to consult with a healthcare professional before incorporating CBD into your routine, especially if you have any underlying health conditions or are taking medications.


CBD brownies offer a delicious and creative way to enjoy the potential benefits of CBD while indulging in a classic dessert. By following the simple steps outlined in this blog post, you can whip up a batch of these delectable treats in no time. Whether you’re a CBD enthusiast or simply curious about exploring new culinary adventures, CBD brownies are a delightful option worth trying. So, go ahead, grab your ingredients, and treat yourself to a scrumptious batch of CBD-infused brownies!

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