How to make vape coils last longer

Welcome to, the place where we share tips and tricks to enhance your vaping experience. In this article, we’ll explore a simple yet effective method to make your coils and e-liquid last longer. By disregarding the recommended coil wattage on the boxes and adjusting your vape kit’s wattage settings, you can achieve a significant improvement in efficiency. Let’s dive into the hack and learn how to maximize your vaping resources.

Ignoring Recommended Coil Wattage for Longer Lasting Coils and E-liquid

Typically, vape coils come with a suggested wattage range printed on the box. However, by deviating from these recommendations, you can extend the lifespan of your coils and conserve e-liquid. The key is to set your device’s wattage to 3.7 volts, a standard level for many vape batteries.

Understanding the Importance of 3.7 Volts

3.7 volts can be compared to the 56 mph speed limit on the motorway, offering a conservative yet efficient approach. Many vape batteries are designed to perform optimally at this voltage, making it an ideal setting for conserving power and resources.

Adjusting Wattage to Achieve 3.7 Volts

To achieve 3.7 volts, you’ll need to adjust the wattage settings on your vape device. Let’s take an example of a Guto 120 coil with a resistance of 0.15 ohms. The box suggests using up to 120 watts, which equates to firing at around 4.2 volts. However, by reducing the wattage to approximately 85-90 watts, you can achieve the desired 3.7 volts. This 10% drop in wattage results in several benefits.

Benefits of Lower Wattage and 3.7 Volts

Extended Battery Life: Lower wattage translates to reduced power consumption, leading to a 10% increase in battery life. This means you can enjoy more vaping sessions without worrying about running out of battery power.

Enhanced Coil Durability: By operating at lower wattage, your coils experience less stress and strain. This results in a reduced impact on the coils, leading to a longer lifespan and potentially saving you money on coil replacements.

Prolonged E-liquid Usage: Lower wattage means using 10% less e-liquid with every press of the fire button. This efficient use of e-liquid ensures that your supply lasts longer, saving you money and reducing the frequency of refills.


By adjusting your vape kit’s wattage settings to achieve 3.7 volts, you can significantly improve your vaping experience. This simple hack allows you to extend the lifespan of your coils, conserve e-liquid, and maximize your battery usage. Remember to experiment with different wattage settings to find the optimal balance for your specific device and coil setup. Enjoy longer vaping sessions and get more out of your resources with this easy-to-implement hack!

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