How to stop eliquid leaking on a plane

Welcome to! Today, we have an exciting tip to share with you that will help you prevent your e-liquids from leaking while traveling on an airplane. We all know the frustration of arriving at your destination only to find a sticky mess in your bag caused by leaky vape tanks. But fear not, because we have a nifty trick that can save you from this inconvenience. So, let’s dive right in!

Before you embark on your flight, it’s essential to prepare your vape setup properly. The first step is to empty your tank and remove any leftover e-liquid. Once you’ve done that, grab a squirt bottle or any similar container and give it a thorough rinse to ensure it’s clean and dry.

Now comes the fun part. Take your 10ml e-liquid bottles and see how easily they fit into the container. Depending on the size of your vaping device, you can fit a few bottles in there. This way, you’ll have enough e-liquid to last you for a longer trip. Make sure the lid of the container is securely tightened to create a seal and prevent any leaks.

When you’re heading to the airport, bring your bottle with you. However, be aware of the restrictions at customs regarding the transportation of liquids. If empty bottles are allowed, great! If not, you may need to purchase a drink at the duty-free shop and use the container afterward. But don’t worry, the small inconvenience will be worth it to protect your e-liquids from leakage.

Bonus Tip: If you find yourself at the airport restroom, you can use the hand dryer to quickly dry your vape bottles. It’s a handy trick to ensure they are completely dry before your flight.

Now that you’ve passed through customs and made it to your gate, it’s time to see if your bottles have remained leak-free. Check inside the container and inspect the plastic bag you used to store the bottles. Ideally, there should be no residue or leaks. If everything looks good, congratulations! You’ve successfully prevented your e-liquids from leaking on the plane.

To make sure you’re well-prepared for your trip, don’t forget to pack your other vaping essentials, such as spare coils, batteries, and a charger. It’s always better to be safe than sorry.

Remember, when it comes to preventing leaks on an airplane, the air pressure changes can affect your vape tanks. Higher PG (propylene glycol) e-liquids are more prone to leakage compared to higher VG (vegetable glycerin) ones. So, keep this in mind when selecting your e-liquids for the trip.

By following these simple steps and utilizing a clever container hack, you can enjoy a hassle-free vaping experience during your flight. No more messy leaks or sticky hands to deal with when you reach your destination.

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