Top 5 Mistakes to Avoid for Beginner Vapers

Are you considering entering the world of vaping? Whether you’re a smoker looking to quit or simply curious about this popular alternative, starting your vaping journey can be both exciting and overwhelming. In this beginner’s guide, we’ll provide you with the top five tips you need to know before you start vaping. So, grab a cup of tea, sit back, and let vapingkool guide you through the essentials.

Be Prepared for Coughing

When you take your first puff from a vape device, you may experience some coughing. This reaction is normal, especially if you’re transitioning from traditional cigarettes. Coughing can occur as your lungs begin to cleanse themselves from the accumulated tar caused by smoking. Remember, it’s not the vaping itself causing the coughing, but rather your body’s natural response to quitting smoking. So, don’t worry if you experience this; it’s a sign of progress!

Vaping: A Safer Alternative

One common question that arises is whether vaping is safer than smoking. While vaping is not entirely risk-free, Public Health England, a UK registered body, asserts that vaping is 95% safer than smoking traditional cigarettes. However, it’s important to note that vaping is primarily recommended for individuals who are already smokers. It is considered a harm reduction tool, enabling you to significantly reduce the damage caused by smoking. If you’re interested in learning more about the safety of vaping, check out our informative videos on the topic before taking the leap.

Understanding Vape Kit Types

Vape devices come in various shapes and sizes, which can be overwhelming for beginners. To simplify things, let’s focus on two main types: mouth-to-lung (MTL) and direct lung (DL).

MTL devices mimic the inhalation technique used when smoking cigarettes. They involve drawing the vapor into your mouth before inhaling into your lungs. On the other hand, DL devices, often referred to as sub-ohm kits, produce larger clouds and involve inhaling the vapor directly into your lungs.

For most beginner vapers who aim to quit smoking, MTL kits are recommended. These devices prioritize nicotine delivery and provide a similar experience to smoking cigarettes. Additionally, consider the battery life of your device, especially if you’ll be away from a charging point for extended periods. Remember, larger vape kits offer longer battery life but may not be as convenient for on-the-go use.

Finding the Right Nicotine Strength

Selecting the appropriate nicotine strength for your e-liquid is crucial to your vaping experience. Too little nicotine may leave you unsatisfied and constantly reaching for your vape, while too much nicotine can cause throat irritation. The goal is to find a level that effectively replaces your craving for cigarettes without overwhelming your system.

If you were a light or social smoker, a nicotine strength of 3mg or 6mg is typically suitable. For heavier smokers consuming a pack or more per day, higher strengths ranging from 12mg to 20mg might be necessary. Remember, everyone’s preferences and nicotine requirements differ, so it may require some trial and error to find your ideal strength.

Embrace the World of Flavors

One of the most enjoyable aspects of vaping is the wide array of flavors available. While traditional tobacco flavors are popular among beginners, don’t be afraid to explore the countless options out there. From fruity delights to decadent desserts, the choice is yours. Moreover, you can even mix different flavors within the same tank to create your unique vaping experience. Experiment and have fun discovering your favorite flavors along the way.

Bonus Tip: Coils – The Heart of Your Vape Kit

Coils are essential components of your vape kit, and understanding their role is crucial for a smooth vaping experience. Coils are small metal cylinders that contain a wire coil and absorbent cotton. When the battery activates the coil, it heats up, vaporizing the e-liquid absorbed by the cotton.

Over time, coils can become worn out or clogged with residue, affecting the flavor and performance of your vape. It’s important to replace your coils regularly, typically every couple of weeks, to maintain optimal performance. By doing so, you’ll ensure a clean and flavorful vape.

Now that you have a better understanding of coils and their importance, let’s discuss some popular vape kit brands to consider when starting your vaping journey. These brands have established themselves in the industry and are known for producing reliable and quality devices:

Aspire: Aspire is renowned for its innovative designs and user-friendly devices. They offer a wide range of kits suitable for both beginners and experienced vapers.

Innokin: Innokin is a trusted brand that focuses on creating reliable, durable, and technologically advanced vape kits. They prioritize user safety and satisfaction in their product development.

Smok: Smok is a popular brand known for its wide selection of vape devices, ranging from beginner-friendly kits to advanced options. They are recognized for their sleek designs and impressive vapor production.

Myle: If you’re interested in a pod system, Myle is a brand worth considering. Their compact and portable devices offer simplicity and convenience without compromising on performance.

Remember, the vaping market is constantly evolving, and new devices and brands emerge regularly. It’s always beneficial to research and stay informed about the latest offerings.


Congratulations! You’ve now equipped yourself with essential knowledge for embarking on your vaping journey. By following these top five tips, you’ll be well-prepared to start vaping and enjoy a satisfying and personalized experience.

Vaping is an alternative for smokers looking to reduce the harm caused by traditional cigarettes. While it’s not completely risk-free, it is considered a significantly safer option. Explore the various vape kit options, find the right nicotine strength, experiment with flavors, and keep your coils fresh to enhance your vaping experience.

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